Children are an integral part of Redeemer Parish. The resources below are aimed at helping families grow closer to God together. Let us know how we can support you in raising your kids in the love and knowledge of the Lord.
Sundays there are packets for kids to use during worship. Joining online? Hop over to the MEDIA Page (updated weekly) for links to Sunday's livestream, and the bulletin.
Each week we add a prayer guide to the back of our bulletin which can be used at home throughout the week.
Children's Spirituality
Children are created to connect with God and often do so in ways that are inexpressible. Jesus Christ said, "Let the little children come to me" (Mt. 19:14). How might we bring our children to Jesus?
Having Spiritual Conversations with Children:
Listen. Ask questions; especially wondering questions that allow children to express themselves using their vocabulary and imaginations rather than exact answers. (ie. I wonder what part of the Bible story you liked best?) Allow children to draw a picture in response can enable a talking point (ie. Draw a picture of you and God.)
How to Pray with Children:
Is there anything you would like to...
...say "Thank you God" for?
...say "I'm sorry God" for?
...say "help me God" with?
Children of any age and literacy level can learn to pray by memorizing prayers through repetition. A great place to begin is The Lord's Prayer. It is the model for all prayer. It also appears in Sunday Worship just before communion and when children know they prayer they are able to participate at this key moment in the liturgy.
Now, before I run to play,
Let me not forget to pray
To God Who kept me through the night
And waked me with the morning light.
Help me, Lord, to love Thee more
Than I ever loved before,
In my work and in my play,
Be Thou with me through the day. Amen.
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray Thee, Lord, Thy child to keep:
Thy love guard me through the night,
And wake me with the morning light.
Be present at our table, Lord,
Be here and everywhere adored.
These morsels bless, and grant that we
May feast in Paradise with Thee. Amen.